Monday, January 19, 2009

The hidden epidemic in schools: Cheating

In our instant gratification age, there appears to be a startling trend among students who are going to great unethical lengths to get A's without studying. Cheating is not new in education, however, the ways in which cheating culture is being promoted, shared, and valourized is greater than ever before. Information-sharing communities, such as Youtube, are littered with how-to videos on cheating, some quite elaborate and stealth. The above video is but one example of how people are using sophisticated techniques and tools to steal good grades.

As a student, you may have witnessed, heard of, or even partook in an incident of cheating at Ward. What are some of these practices? When and where do they occur? How is cheating at Ward different from cheating at others schools? Why do students cheat? What do you think about this state of affairs? How can students avoid the temptation to cheat?

Strong articles will be published in the Mary Ward Planet.


Liane Vaz said...

householdhacker (youtube user) has thought up several different ways to cheat on a test (his other videos are pretty useful though). Looking at the comments on his videos, it looks like people are taking his advice to heart, and thinking up new ways to cheat. One commenter talked about how he wrote down math formulas on his arm, then added an area code (like 416) to disguise it as a phone number...tsk tsk. I wouldn't risk getting caught, and I think the Coke bottle one is just so lengthy to do I'd rather just study.

Househouldhacker's channel:

HelloKittyGames said...

In an unstable, unsystematic school such as Mary Ward, cheating is as easy as writing a test. The thing about cheating in Mary Ward is that, units feel like such a huge burden and load towards students. In their desperation for saving time, they would rather cheat than study. Or plagerise instead of actually completing the work themselves.